
Year by year (books/book chapters, journal articles, peer reviewed proceedings (articles), book reviews) 

Most of them can be downloaded via ResearchGate


92. Arik, B. T., & Arik, E. (2023). What does bibliometrics of an interdisciplinary field tell us? The case of Cognitive Science. Journal of Cognitive Science, 24(1), 35-56. (ESCI, Scopus) 


91. Akboga, S., & Arik, E. (2022). The communication strategies of ideologically polarized civil society organizations on Twitter: the case of Turkey. SN Social Sciences. Journal Article


90. Arik, E., & Arik, B. T. (2021). The different aspects of English Language Teaching and Learning: A Scientometric Analysis. Journal of Scientometric Research. (ESCI, Scopus) Journal Article


89. Arik, E. (2020). An Experimental Approach to Word Order in Turkish Sign Language. Bilig, 94, 75-96. (SSCI) Journal Article

88. Akboga, S., & Arik, E. (2020). Twitter as a polarized space for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Turkey. İnsan & Toplum. (ESCI) Journal Article

87. Arik, E., & Arik, B. T. (2020).  Yaratıcılık ve yaratıcı olma kavramlarının günlük dilde anlamları [The meanings of the concepts of creativity and being creative in everyday language]. Psikoloji Çalışmaları / Studies in Psychology. (ESCI) Journal Article


86. Arik, E., & Arik, B. T. (2019). Büyük Veri ve Derlem Anlambilim açısından psikolog ve psikoloji [Psychologist and Psychology From the Perspectives of Big Data and Corpus]. İnsan & Toplum. (ESCI) Journal Article

85. Akboga, S., & Arik, E. (2019). The ideological convergence of civil society organizations and newspapers in Turkey. Voluntas. (SSCI) Journal Article

84. Arik, B. T., & Arik, E. (2019). The use of English in movies in Turkey. English Today. (SSCI) Journal Article

83. Arik, E., & Arik, B. T. (2019). Büyük Veri ve Derlem Anlambilim açısından aşk kavramı: Anlam, gönderim ve metafor [The concept of love from the perspectives of Big Data and Corpus Semantics: Meaning, reference, and metaphor]. Psikoloji Çalışmaları / Studies in Psychology. (ESCI) Journal Article

82. Cansun, Ş., & Arik, E. (2019). Representations of countries in the international media: The case of Turkey in the BBC. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi. Journal Article

81. Cansun, Ş., & Arik, E. (2019). Türkiye adresli Siyaset Bilimi yayınlarının bibliyometrik analizi [An investigation of publications in Political Science with an address in Turkey]. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi. Journal Article


80. Arik, E., & Akboga, S. (2018). Women's Studies in the Muslim world: A bibliometric perspective. Publications, 6(4), 43. (ESCI, Scopus) link Journal Article

79. Arik, B. T., & Arik, E. (2018). English-medium instruction in Turkish higher education: The current state of English in psychology departments. The Journal of English as an International Language, 13(1), 20-36. (Scopus) link Journal Article

78. Arik, E. (2018). [Review of Future Research Directions for Applied Linguistics Edited by S. E. Pfenninger & J. Navracsics]. Applied Linguistics, 39(6), 963-966. DOI: 10.1093/applin/amy008 (SSCI) link Book Review 

77. Cansun, S., & Arik, E. (2018). Political science publications about Turkey. Scientometrics, 115(1), 169-188. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-018-2672-3 (SCI/SSCI) Journal Article

76. Akboğa, S., & Arık, E. (2018). Türkiye’de Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarının Medyada Görünürlüğü [Media Publicity of Civil Society Organizations in Turkey]. İnsan & Toplum. DOI: link Journal Article (ESCI)


75. Akboğa Demir, S., & Arık, E. (2017). Sosyoloji Alanındaki Türkiye Adresli Bilimsel Yayınların İncelemesi [An Investigation of Publications in the Field of Sociology with an Address in Turkey]. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(3), 1876-1906. (MLA, Proquest) link Journal Article

74. Arik, E. (2017). Aşkın Dili [The Language of Love]. Book 

73. Arik, B. T., & Arik, E. (2017). “Second Language Writing” Publications in Web of Science: A bibliometric analysis. Publications, 5(1), 4. doi:10.3390/publications5010004 (ESCI, Scopus) Journal Article

72. Dikyuva, H., Makaroğlu, B., & Arik, E. (2017). Turkish Sign Language Grammar. Ankara: Ministry of Family and Social Policies. Book (catalogued so far by Princeton, NYU, Duke, National Library of France, American University in Cairo, Hacettepe, TOBB ETU, etc.)

71. Arik, E. (2017). Türkçede yer, yönelim ve hareket tarzının kodlanması [Encoding location, orientation, and manner in Turkish]. In B. Makaroğlu, İ. P. Bekar, & E. Arıca Akkök (Eds.), 30. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri (pp. 61-68). Ankara: Dilbilim Derneği Yayınları. Book chapter

70. (in press). An experimental approach to word order in Turkish Sign Language. Journal Article (draft) (SSCI)


69. Arik, E. (2016). An experimental approach to basic word order in Turkish intransitives. Psychology of Language and Communication, 20(1), 73-91. doi: 10.1515/plc-2016-0004 Journal Article (Scopus, PsycINFO, LLBA, MLA)

68. Arık, E., Makaroğlu, B., & Dikyuva, H. (2016). İşaret dilleri ve sözlükler [Sign languages and dictionaries]. In H. Develi & M. Gürlek, I. ve II. Uluslararası Sözlükbilimi Sempozyumu. Istanbul: İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları. Book chapter 

67. Arık, E., & Öztop, P. (2016). Yaratıcı ve yaratıcılık: Anlam, gönderim ve kavramsallaştırma [Creative and creativity: Sense, reference, and conceptualization]. In B. Savaş, D. Yüksel, D. Fidan, B. Öztürk, & B. İnan Karagül (eds.), 29. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri [Proceedings of the 29th National Linguistics Conference] (pp. 68-76). Kocaeli: Kocaeli Üniversitesi Vakfı Yayınları. Book chapter 

66. Arik, E. (Editor, 2016). Ellerle Konuşmak: Türk İşaret Dili Araştırmaları [Research on Turkish Sign Language]. Istanbul: Koç University Press. Book (available at Library of Congress, National Library of France, Harvard, Princeton, NYU, Chicago, Bilkent, Anadolu U. libraries so far)

65. Arik, E. (2016). Geçmişten geleceğe Türk İşaret Dili araştırmaları. In E. Arik (ed.), Ellerle Konuşmak: Türk İşaret Dili Araştırmaları (pp. 7-22). Istanbul: Koç University Press. Book chapter 

64. Arik, E. (2016). Türk İşaret Dili’nde mekansal dil. In E. Arik (ed.), Ellerle Konuşmak: Türk İşaret Dili Araştırmaları (pp. 315-336). Istanbul: Koç University Press. Book chapter 


63. Arik, E. (2015). An experimental study of Turkish Vowel Harmony. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 51(3), 359–374. doi: 10.1515/psicl-2015-0014 (SSCI/A&HCI) Journal Article

62. Arik, E. (2015). Expressing manner, location, and orientation in manner-only motion events in Turkish Sign Language. Trames: A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 19(3), 205-220. doi: 10.3176/tr.2015.3.01 link (SSCI/AHCI) Journal Article

61. Arik, B. T., & Arik, E. (2015). World Englishes from a citation index perspective. Journal of English as an International Language, 10(1), 1-19. (Scopus) link Journal Article

60. Arik, E. (2013). Türkçe ve Türk İşaret Dili’nde İç ve Üst İlişkisi Kurulabilen Yer Belirtme Tümcelerinin Bir Karşılaştırılması. Proceedings of the 7th International Turkish Language Conference (7. Uluslararası Türk Dili Kurultayı-Türk Dil Kurumu). Proceedings (peer reviewed)

59. Dikyuva, H., Makaroğlu, B., & Arık, E. (2015). Türk İşaret Dili Dilbilgisi Kitabı [Turkish Sign Language Grammar Book]. Ankara. Book link

58. Arik, E., Oztop, P., & Buyuksokmen, E. (2015). An experimental approach to new and old information in Turkish locatives and existentials. In D. Zeyrek, Ç. S. Şimşek, U. Ataş, & J. Rehbein (Eds.), Ankara Papers in Turkish and Turkic Linguistics (Turcologica Vol. 103) (pp. 345-352). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. Book chapter link to publisher

57. Arik, E., Arik, B. T., Buyuksokmen, E., & Dalahmetoglu, B. (2015). The relationship between Figure/Ground and Frontness/Backness: Evidence from Turkish. In D. Zeyrek, Ç. S. Şimşek, U. Ataş, & J. Rehbein (Eds.), Ankara Papers in Turkish and Turkic Linguistics (Turcologica Vol. 103) (pp. 339-344). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. Book chapter  link to publisher

56. Arik, E. (2015). A bibliometric analysis of linguistics in Web of Science. Journal of Scientometric Research, 4(1), 20-28. doi: 10.4103/2320-0057.156018 link Journal Article (ESCI)

55. Arik, E. (Editor, 2015). New research into language teaching, learning and assessment. MacroWorld Publishing. Book (available at National Library of Turkey)

54. Arik, E. (2015). Introduction. In E. Arik (Ed.), New research into language teaching, learning and assessment. (pp.I-III). MacroWorld Publishing. Book chapter


53. Arik, E. (2014). Sign language research in Web of Science. Journal of Scientometric Research, 3(3), 143-149. link Journal Article (ESCI)

52. Makaroglu, B., Bekar, I. P., & Arik, E. (2014). Evidence for minimal pairs in Turkish Sign Language. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 50(3), 207-230. doi: 10.1515/psicl-2014-0015 (SSCI/AHCI) link Journal Article

51. Arik, B. T. & Arik, E. (2014). The role and status of English in Turkish higher education. English Today, 30(4), 5-10. doi:10.1017/S0266078414000339 link (SSCI/AHCI) Journal Article

50. Arik, E. (2014). Web of Knowledge'da Türkiye Adresli Psikoloji Yayınlarına Genel Bir Bakış: 1980-2013 [Turkey's Output in Psychological Publications: An Overview of Web of Knowledge between 1980 and 2013]. Eleştirel Psikoloji Bülteni, 5, 81-96. link pdf Journal Article


49. Arik, E. (2013). Türk İşaret Dili'nde sınıflandırıcılar üzerine bir çalışma [Classifiers in Turkish Sign Language]. Bilig, 67, 1-24. (SSCI/AHCI) link Journal Article

48. Arik, E. (2013). A bibliometric analysis of a national journal: The case of the Turkish Journal of Psychology. Journal of Scientometric Research, 2(3), 173-184. link Journal Article (ESCI)

47. Arik, E. (Editor, 2013). Current directions in Turkish Sign Language research. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. link Available at more than 460 best libraries in the world. Book 

46. Arik, E. (Editor, 2013). New research into applied linguistics and language learning. MacroWorld Publishing. Book (available at National Library of Turkey)

45. Arik, E. (2013). Introduction: Previous and current Research on Turkish Sign Language (TİD). In E. Arik (Ed.), Current directions in Turkish Sign Language research (pp.1-17). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Book chapter 

44. Arik, E. (2013). Expressions of spatial relations in Turkish Sign Language. In E. Arik (Ed.), Current directions in Turkish Sign Language research (pp.219-242). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Book chapter 

43. Ozsoy, S., Arik, E., Goksel, A., Kelepir, M., & Nuhbalaoglu, D. (2013). Documenting Turkish Sign Language. In E. Arik (Ed.), Current directions in Turkish Sign Language research (pp.55-70). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Book chapter 

42. Arik, E. (2013). Introduction. In E. Arik (Ed.), New research into applied linguistics and language learning (pp.I-III). MacroWorld Publishing. Book chapter 

41. Arik, E. (2013). Location and existence in Turkish from an experimental linguistic perspective. In E. Arik (Ed.), New research into applied linguistics and language learning (pp.1-12). MacroWorld Publishing. Book chapter 

40. Arik, E. (2013). Locative constructions in Tigrinya. In E. Arik (Ed.), New research into applied linguistics and language learning (pp.171-184). MacroWorld Publishing. Book chapter 

39. Arik, E. (2013). Locative constructions in Tigrinya. Book of Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Language and Communication: Exploring Novelties (pp.319-332). Proceedings (peer reviewed)

38. Arik, E. (2013). [Review of the book Sign languages Ed. by D. Brentari]. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 58(3), 507-510. link (A&HCI)  Book Review

37. Arik, E. (2013). [Review of the book Events of putting and taking: A crosslinguistic perspective. Edited by A. Kopecka and B. Narasimhan]. eLanguage by the Linguistic Society of America. link Book Review

36. Arik, E. (2013). [Review of the book Audiovisual speech processing Edited by A. Kopecka and B. Narasimhan]. eLanguage by the Linguistic Society of America. link Book Review


35. Arik, E. (2012). Space, time, and iconicity in Turkish Sign Language (TID). Trames: A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 16(4), 345-358. doi: 10.3176/tr.2012.4.03 link (SSCI/AHCI) Journal Article

34. Arik, E. (2012). The expressions of spatial relations during interaction in American Sign Language, Croatian Sign Language, and Turkish Sign Language. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 48(2), 179-202. doi: 10.1515/psicl-2012-0009. [download] link (SSCI) Journal Article

33. Arik, E. & Arik, B. T. (2012). An experimental investigation of existential sentences and cognitive/semantic categories in Turkish. In A. Botinis (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference of Experimental Linguistics (ExLing2012) (pp.9-12). link Proceedings (peer reviewed)

32. Arik, E. & Arik, B. T. (2012). Location, existence, and quantification in Turkish: What do the results from a forced choice scale show? In A. Botinis (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference of Experimental Linguistics (ExLing2012) (pp.13-16). link Proceedings (peer reviewed)

31. Arik, E. (2012). Location and existence in Turkish from an experimental linguistic perspective. Proceedings Book of International Symposium on Language and Communication: Research trends and challenges (pp.395-406). Erzurum: Mega Press. Proceedings (peer reviewed)

30. Ozsoy, S., Arik, E., Goksel, A., & Kelepir, M. (2012). When established methods hit the sign: Methodological issues in documenting sign languages. Proceedings Book of International Symposium on Language and Communication: Research trends and challenges (pp.385-393). Erzurum: Mega Press. link Proceedings (peer reviewed)

29. Arik, E. (2012). [Review of the book Event representation in language and cognition. Edited by J. Bohnemeyer and E. Pederson]. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 57(3), 461-464. link (A&HCI) Book Review

28. Arik, E. (2012). [Review of the book Elements of meaning in gesture Ed. by Genevieve Calbris]. eLanguage by the Linguistic Society of America. link Book Review


27. Arik, E. (2011). Left/right and front/back in sign, speech, and co-speech gestures across languages: What do data from Turkish Sign Language, Croatian Sign Language, American Sign Language, Turkish, Croatian, and English reveal? Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 47(3), 442-469. doi: 10.2478/psicl-2011-0025. [download] link (SSCI) Journal Article

26. Gokgoz, K. & Arik, E. (2011). Distributional and syntactic characteristics of nonmanual markers in Turkish Sign Language (Turk Isaret Dili, TID). MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 62: Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, 63-78. [download] link Proceedings (peer reviewed)

25. Arik, E. (2011). [Review of the book The expression of possession. Edited by W. McGregor]. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 56(3), 423-426. link (A&HCI) Book Review

24. Arik, E. (2011). [Review of the book Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language Sciences Ed. by Patrick Colm Hogan]. eLanguage by the Linguistic Society of America. link Book Review

23. Arik, E. (2011). [Review of the book Psycholinguistics 101 by H. Wind Cowles]. eLanguage by the Linguistic Society of America. link Book Review

22. Arik, E. (2011). [Review of the book Fundamentals of psycholinguistics By Eva M. Fernández and Helen Smith Cairns]. eLanguage by the Linguistic Society of America. link Book Review

21. Arik, E. (2011). [Review of the book Adpositions By Claude Hagège]. eLanguage by the Linguistic Society of America. link Book Review

20. Arik, E. (2011). [Review of Annual review of cognitive linguistics, Volume 7. Edited by R. de Mendoza Ibáñez and F. José]. eLanguage by the Linguistic Society of America. link Book Review


19. Arik, E. (2010). A crosslinguistic study of the language of space: Sign and spoken languages. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. link Available at more than 720 best libraries in the world. Book 

18. Arik, E. (2010). Describing motion events in sign languages. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 46(4), 367-390. doi: 10.2478/v10010-010-0019-1. [download] link (SSCI) Journal Article

17. Arik, E. & Milkovic, M. (2010). Causative motion events in sign languages. Learning & Perception, 2, Supplement, 1-36 (Abstracts of the 2nd Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science, 6-9 May, 2010). doi: 10.1556/LP.2.2010.Suppl.1 link Journal Article

16. Arik, E. (2010). [Review of the book Talking about motion: A crosslinguistic investigation of lexicalization patterns. By L. Filipović]. Studies in Language, 34(3), 671-679. link (SSCI) Book Review

15. Arik, E. (2010). [Review of the book Handbook of cognitive linguistics and second language acquisition. Edited by P. Robinson & N. C. Ellis]. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 55(3), 425-427. link (A&HCI)  Book Review

14. Arik, E. (2010). [Review of Spatial language and dialogue. Edited by K. R. Coventry, T. Tenbrink, and J. A. Bateman]. eLanguage by the Linguistic Society of America. link Book Review


13. Arik, E. (2009). Spatial language: Insights from sign and spoken languages. PhD Dissertation. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, ABD. link proquest Dissertation

12. Arik, E. (2009). Spatial language: Insights from sign and spoken languages. Sign Language and Linguistics, 12(1), 83-92. doi: 10.1075/sll.12.1.04ari link (LLBA, MLA) Journal Article


11. Arik, E. (2008). Constructions and Turkish vowel harmony. In A. Eggleston (Ed.), Purdue Linguistics Association Working Papers, 1(1), 68-86. [download] Journal Article

10. Arik, E. (2008). Locative constructions in Turkish Sign Language (TID). In R. M. de Quadros (Ed.), Sign Languages: spinning and unraveling the past, present, and future. TISLR9, the Theoretical Issues in Sign Languages Research Conference (pp. 15-31). Petropolis/RJ, Brazil: Editorar Arara Azul. link Book chapter 

9. Arik, E. (2008). Body and space in representing space in Turkish, Croatian, Austrian, and American Sign Languages. Working Paper Series: 9th Conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse, & Language (CSDL9). Social Science Research Network. (abstractProceedings (peer reviewed)

8. Arik, E. & Wilbur, R. (2008, January). Locatives, existentials, and possessives in Turkish Sign Language (TID). The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Chicago, IL. download  


7. Arik, E. (2007). [Review of Space in languages: Linguistic systems and cognitive categories. Edited by M. Hickmann and S. Robert]. International Cognitive Linguistics Association Website. link Book Review

6. Arik, E. & Milkovic, M. (2007). Perspective taking strategies in Turkish Sign Language and Croatian Sign Language. In R. Shields (Ed.), LSO Working Papers in Linguistics 7: Proceedings of WIGL 2007 (pp. 17-31). Madison, WI. link Proceedings (peer reviewed)


5. Arik, E. & Nadolske, M. (2006/unpublished manuscript). Conceptualization of space in Turkish Sign Language (TID). In S. Coulson (eds.), Language in Action (8th Conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language). Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. Book chapter 

4. Arik, E. (2006). Nonmanual markers and constituency in Turkish Sign Language (TİD). Ms. Purdue University. link Online 


3. Ozyurek, A., Ilkbasaran, D., & Arik, E. (2005). The Turkish Sign Language Website. Online 



2. Arik, E. (2003). Spatial representations in Turkish and Sign Language of Turkey (TID). MA Thesis. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL. link Thesis


1. Arik, E. (2002). İllustrasyonlarla tanıma-hatırlama arasındaki ilişki [The relationship between illustrations and recall-recognition]. Katarsis, 3. Journal article